Learning While Working Podcast - Archive

    Learning cultures with Nigel Paine

    What is a learning culture and how is a learning culture fostered, supported and enabled? In this podcast, Robin is exploring these questions with author Nigel Paine.

    Inclusion in live online learning with Brigit Ritchie

    This podcast is a return to talking about live online learning. In this podcast Robin is talking with Brigit Ritchie from WE. WE is a learning studio facilitating workshops, retreats and art experiences to re-imagine relationships in and out of work. This podcast explores what inclusion is and it’s importance. It’s also partly a case study of how WE delivers live online learning.

    LearnX - Re-imagining learning using design thinking with Gareth Killeen

    In this conversation Robin is talking with Gareth Killeen from Reece about how they used design thinking to re-imagine their leadership development program. Themes include human centered design, design thinking and micro-learning and spaced learning. This is another podcast that was recorded at LearnX 2019.

    LearnX - Using the 70:20:10 learning model for leadership development with Zoe Sharan

    This is the next in the series of podcasts from LearnX 2019. This podcast is a return to a series of podcasts that were recorded face-to-face at LearnX 2019. In this podcast Robin is talking with Zoe Sharan from Amicus about how she is using the 70:20:10 learning model in their leadership development program.

    Accelerating learning with sketchnotes with Rachel Burnham

    In this podcast Rachel Burnham is talking about sketchnoting as a way for accelerating the process of learning and the cognitive science behind the practice of sketchnoting.

    What Does a Virtual Event Producer Do? with Karyn Gleeson

    How do you make sure a virtual event runs smoothly and is engaging? Your event producer is key to a successful virtual event but what does a producer do? In this podcast, Robin is talking with Karyn Gleeson about this question.

    What makes a virtual event memorable with Barbara Covarrubias Venegas

    Conference style events have a different set of problems to virtual events that are designed for small group learning, they are even harder to make engaging. For Barbara Covarrubias Venegas the key to making an event memorable is the connections between the speakers and audience and connections within the audience. In this interview Robin is talking with Barbara Covarrubias Venegas about approaches to building connections and designing large virtual events.

    Using Scenarios to Transform your Virtual Classroom Sessions with Ray Jimenez

    Scenarios are a powerful way to ensure your learning is performance focused. Using scenarios moves your online sessions away from being information dumps to being active and engaging experiences. In this podcast, Robin is talking with Ray Jimenez from Vignettes Learning using scenarios in virtual classrooms.

    What does a conversation architect do? with Joshua Davies

    Conversations are at the core of how we learn with each other, too often live sessions both face-to-face and online are presentations not conversations. Moving online does make designing learning around conversations more challenging but not impossible. In this interview Robin is talking with Joshua Davies from Knowmium about what a conversation architect does.

    The possibilities of video in live online learning with Chad Owen

    Everyone who is working remotely knows the experience of Zoom fatigue and the negatives of video conferencing; pixel vision, seeing yourself all the time, and what sometimes feels like an ocean of blank faces; but video conferencing also has many powerful possibilities for learning.

    These are the possibilities that Robin explores with Chad Owen in this latest interview.
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