How to make your elearning more engaging - consulting session
Most digital learning has failed to meet its promise of being more effective and engaging. Too much is nothing but content with minimal interactions. People often complain about eLearning being boring and unengaging but it doesn’t have to be this way. Digital learning provides a powerful set of tools for building interactive experiences – it’s just that they’re often used merely to present information and test knowledge and we don’t realise their full potential.
This session will cover:
- what is meant by engagement
- why most eLearning is not engaging, and what engaging eLearning looks like
- designing effective learning interactions that are not just knowledge tests
- an introduction to tools such as the value proposition canvas to help tap in to employees’ motivations
- how to redesign your eLearning to be more engaging and to improve outcomes.
The format is a mixture of presentation and coaching. Each session is 60 minutes long.

At the end of session you’ll have a self assessment of the strengths and weakness of your current eLearning and an action plan for improving it.

Who should attend
This session is for people who are currently designing and developing digital learning and want to improve the outcomes of their programs. It can be run as a one on one session or also as a group session with your team.

$330 AUD (approximately $240 USD).

Dr Robin Petterd is the founder of Sprout Labs and host of the Learning While Working podcast and virtual conference. He has a PhD in interactive media design and has taught interaction design in a wide range of contexts. The programs he has designed have won multiple national and international awards.

Questions and answers about the session
Will there be a recording?
Yes, the session will be recorded so you can refer back to later. Only you will be given the link to the recording.
During the session will you review our current eLearning?
No, this session will focus on you doing your self assessment and action planning. If you want us to review your current eLearning this a customised service we also offer.
How do payments for the session work?
After you book in a time you will asked for your credit card details.
I live in the USA or the UK. Can the session be at a time that is suitable for me?
Yes, we have slots during the week that are at times that suitable for the USA and UK.
If you have any other questions please contact us.