How to make social learning work - Webinar

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At Sprout Labs we often talk about the reason “the 20” is the middle part of the 70-20-10 model, and that learning from others and social learning is what holds workplace learning together. In our personal life, online social media has transformed how we communicate with friends and family, but this transformation hasn’t yet happened at work. We often hear learning and development people talk about the challenges of designing and building a work environment where collaboration and learning from peers is a daily part of work. Social learning offers some powerful possibilities, but it’s not always easy to achieve.       

During this interactive webinar we will explore:

  • integrating social learning into blended learning programs

  • different types of social learning and when to use them

  • approaches to community building

  • success factors for social learning

  • what a community manager does and why they are key.

The format of our webinars is a mixture of presentation and interaction. Expect to spend the session brainstorming and learning from your peers. We won’t record the live session but if you are not able to attend we will send you a separate recording and the resources afterwards.


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