Future fest - Trends in digital learning
Learning technologies have a huge amount of promise for improving learning outcomes. Unfortunately, eLearning has become associated with self-paced linear modules that are often slide-based information dumps with a quiz at the end. During this event, you will learn about projects that Sprout Labs is doing that shift this trend. This includes the work we are doing with the machine learning to personalise learning and predict employees' work performances based on behaviours in learning modules.
11am to 1pm - 16th of October 2018 - lunch will be provided
Room 6, First floor, Bank Arcade, 64 Liverpool Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000
Go up the stairs next door to the main switchboard and follow the signs towards Sprout Labs

Dr Robin Petterd is the founder of Sprout Labs and host of the Learning While Working podcast and virtual conference. He is on a mission to change how people learn at work. He has worked for a number of organisations to embed the 70:20:10 learning model and digital learning. These programs have won multiple awards including two Brandon Hall awards.