Patti Shank - The RIGHT on demand and dive elements for your online course

How do we select the RIGHT elements to include in our online courses? Researchers describe the difficulty of selecting elements because there are so many! The abundance of choices leads to confusion in deciding what to use for what purpose. Too many organizations, therefore, pick a single tool (such as the virtual classroom) and then shoehorn all instruction into that tool.
Research shows that asynchronous (on demand) and synchronous (live) elements support different instructional needs. To get the best outcomes, we should combine asynchronous and synchronous elements. Some people call this blended or hybrid learning. We call it using what works.
In this session, we’ll explore what research says are best uses for asynchronous and synchronous elements. We’ll analyze how asynchronous and synchronous elements can support various learning needs and discuss the tools that can meet them.
About Patti Shank
Patti Shank takes learning and related sciences to improve the results from instruction. She has written multiple books and hundreds of articles on learning and now runs her own courses. She has PhD in instructional design. She continues to take evidence base approaches from various sciences, such as learning, educational psychology, usability, human-computer interaction and others and translates them into approaches the practitioners can apply.