Mick Gwyther - Developing the expertise of your online trainers

Michael Gwyther is a digital learning and facilitation expert. He is director of Yum Studio, where he works for organisations to bring their training online. Michael often works with Sprout Labs on online facilitation projects and he was the host of one room for our first virtual conference.
About Mick Gwyther
Mick demonstrates strategies for scaffolding off educators existing face to face training skills to build their capacity for delivering online facilitation. Strategies explored include steps for conducting brainstorms, problem solving and scenarios, integrating video and audio for effective learning, peer review of project presentations and utilising guest speakers. We’ll also evaluate ways of going beyond the presentation of static content to build knowledge application such as case studies, scenarios, experience sharing and demonstration. This session will be experiential so you can evaluate Mick’s ideas against your own situation, style and level of online facilitation experience.