Jo Cook - How to 'read' a virtual audience you can’t see

Our live online sessions don’t always include participant webcams, so how can we ‘see’ the people we are with? Even if people’s webcams are on, do we really know that they are engaged in the session and learning something?
As trainers and facilitators we rely on reading the room and know that body language is a key aspect for our delivery and adjusting discussion and activities. In this session we’ll explore the concept of digital body language and your sessions can use the tools available in your platform to gather this information.
We will cover:- What digital body language is
- Deconstructing our face to face skills
- Use of the webcam (or not)
- Interactions to be able to see digital body language
About Jo Cook
Jo Cook is an expert in design and delivery of virtual classroom and interactive webinars. She is director of Lightbulb Moment, where she focuses on developing the design and delivery skills for learning professions in webinar and virtual classrooms. Lightbulb Moment produces a podcast, has a blog and a free online community about virtual classrooms.